Computational Materials Modelling Using LAMMPS: Finding state of a material using molecular dynamics method: Solid

Finding state of a material using molecular dynamics method: Solid

 In this blog, I will be showing how to check whether a given material at a given temperature is solid or not. For this, I am using aluminium as the material and the temperature to be around 300K.

Input script

units metal

boundary p p p 

atom_style atomic 


region forbox block 0 39.86 0 39.86 0 39.86 units box

create_box 1 forbox 


lattice fcc 3.986

create_atoms 1 box basis 1 1 basis 2 1 basis 3 1 basis 4 1 units box 


mass 1 26.982 #<Mass of atom type 1 is 39.48 [mass units grams/mole]> 

pair_style eam

pair_coeff * * Al_jnp.eam


group Al type 1 #<Group all the aluminium types (aluminium type is of type 1. All atoms of type 1 are in group Al)

minimize 1e-12 1e-25 10000 10000 #<Minimize the energy using a conjugate gradient step. 


####Provide an initial maxwellian distribution of velocity corresponding to temperature 596.3K

velocity all create 596.3 198728 dist gaussian

####Perform an NVE integration with this initial position and velocity distribution

timestep 0.001

compute rdfs all rdf 100 1 1 

fix frdf all ave/time 1 10000 10000 c_rdfs[1] c_rdfs[2] c_rdfs[3] file rdf_solid.txt mode vector

####The above command averages the RDFs over time.

fix 1 all nve 

thermo_style custom step time cpu temp pe ke etotal press vol

thermo 1000

run 10000

unfix 1



Visit LAMMPS Manual for a detailed explanation of various commands used.



After running the simulation, the RDF values will be stored in "rdf_solid.txt" file. With the values, you can plot the curve. Rdf-Radial Distribution Function physically gives the probability of finding an atom at a certain point. In solid the probability of finding an atom at equal interval is high. So we get a curve like this. The plot will be similar for any solid.

Hope the post is useful for you. For further updates, keep visiting the blog!


  1. Nicely explained the input file. keep developing such script for the learner. Excellent one.

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